“Adventures of a True Crime Neophyte” is the title of a program I presented once in April, 2012, to the Santa Cruz Valley Chapter of The Society of Southwestern Authors and repeated in July, 2012, at the monthly forum of The Society of Southwestern Authors. In both cases, the program was designed for a professional writers’ group. My thought was to adapt the program, making it more suitable to a general audience if there happened to be interest in New Hampshire. There is nothing provocative about the program. It simply follows my journey into the realm of true crime writing, a journey which demonstrates the dramatic differences between writing novels and memoirs versus writing in the true crime genre.

I will be on the East Coast in late September for programs on the newly released version of A Favor Returned.  If there is sufficient interest in any of the eight literary programs I offer for free to libraries, schools, community groups, or writers’ groups, I’d be happy to try to schedule something in New Hampshire. The programs are detailed on my website. Click on Programs in the toolbar.

By the way, thanks to those who have encouraged me to stay with the Stacey Burns book. I’m not planning on quitting.
