The process of rewriting my first novel, A Favor Returned, has moved into the editing stage. To refresh everyone’ memory, the original came out in hard cover in May, 2000, published by Peter E. Randall and distributed by University Press of New England. That edition is now out of print. Wheatmark Publishers will be handling the new edition, which I must confess, is much better than my first attempt. Fifteen years of experience and learning has done wonders for me.

The new edition will be available in paperback and as an e-book when it is ready. I will keep you informed of the progress.

In the meantime, I’ll be providing comparisons of portions of the two versions. I think you will find them interesting, even if you are not a writer.

In the next blog, I’ll provide two more names of people who could provide me with valuable information on the Stacey Burns case.
