On Saturday, I presented my “Adventures of a True Crime Neophyte” to the Arizona Mystery Writers in Tucson. It was great being the same room with so many gifted and talented writers. The last time I presented this program to a group of writers was in July, 2012 to the Society of Southwestern Authors. The powerpoint program on Saturday had a few slides which updated my “progress” on the Stacey Burns narrative. My readers may be interested in them.
“What has changed in this case since I first presented the program in July 12, 2012?” Answer? “Nothing that I know of”
“As of April 30, 2015, I have posted over 225 entries on my blog relating to the Stacey Burns case.”
“Why am I still trying?” Answer #1? “Writers write- it still seems a good match for me” Answer # 2? “Stacey, her family, her friends, and her community all deserve better.” Answer # 3? “I’m afraid this case is going nowhere with authorities.” Answer # 4? “It seems that interest, quite naturally, is lagging.”
Of course, the discussion of these points led to greater clarification but my answers are genuine from my perspective. Once again, I welcome anyone to comment and set me straight if you believe my perspective is erroneous. In the meantime, we are one month into the seventh year since the murder.
The word neophyte is defined as one who is inexperienced (which I was in this genre four and half years ago when I started) but with a youthful enthusiasm in the field. Those who know me might wonder about the youthful part but the enthusiasm remains.
I hope Stacey would appreciate my efforts.
~ Without a doubt the Beautiful Loving ~MOTHER OF 5~ ……. THANKS GOD for your efforts for without you no one else seems to care. Where ARE her FRIENDS???????????