dukesmotorcycleSeriously? You have a motorcycle? At your age? I love this new catchword for “you must be kidding!” People who know me well are aware of my extreme discomfort around deep water yet my birth sign is Pisces. Seriously? You’re a Pisces?

Over the course of the years I’ve worked on Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns, I have a feeling that my efforts have been greeted by many in law enforcement with a similar reaction. You’re writing a book about this murder? Seriously? You’re trying to uncover the truth about what happened to this poor woman? Seriously? You live in Arizona and are writing about a New Hampshire story? Seriously?

To those who might question my credentials, my ability, my motives, or my determination, I would answer yes, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do–seriously!
