Chapter One of Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns deals entirely with the events in Stacey’s life on Friday, May 8, 2009. It contains these three sentences.
“At about the same time as so many prepared for what promised to be beautiful weekend in all respects, Ed Burns stopped by Stacey’s house to pick up their three younger girls for a Mothers’ Day weekend visit. As the car left the driveway, the girls likely waved goodbye with the characteristic enthusiasm of young children. They would not see their mother alive again; Stacey had about thirty-six hours to live.”
My question for Ed Burns is simple: Why, Mr. Burns? When you suddenly remembered you had another engagement that weekend, why not just return them to Wolfeboro to spend the Mothers’ Day weekend with their mother? Surely, there is a logical explanation.
Chapter Three of the book opens with early Sunday morning of May 10, 2009. It includes a detailed description of Jim Vittum’s visit to Stacey’s house that fateful morning. Here is a portion of that chapter.
“It was shortly after seven on Sunday morning when Vittum says he looked through the slider on the porch. This is the same sliding glass door he peered through less than thirty six hours before. From that vantage point, he states that he could see the coffee pot on the counter and noticed that it was not on. He says that he then made the decision not to proceed any further as there seemed to be no one stirring in the house.”
“The place was quiet,” he says. “I could see that the light on the coffee maker wasn’t on and I know that if Stacey had been downstairs at all she would have started it.”
Jim Vittum has already answered this question and his answer is clear in the book but it is one which a number of people have raised so I’ll mention it here. Did you enter Stacey’s house at all that morning, even to call to her up the stairs?
These questions have surely been asked by police investigators and just as surely satisfactorily answered. (I would hope!)
IF one of these men did kill Stacey, which I believe to be true, then the truth will come out eventually. The actions of both these men seem odd but in My thoughts the most lucrative place to start is JIM VITTUM. Hi actions were well planned and carried out right down to telling them about the splinter and the tree branch. Sorry Jim Vittum, this just does not fly in mY book.
I would say there is a 99% chance that Jim Vittum is the killer. JMHO
John Smith, Det. NH
My Question to you is Why would Jim kill Stacey? wouldn’t he be more likely to kill his own wife? Stacey was a girl friend I think if its any of the two men it would be The EX Husband. I do believe there is a good reason why he got the little girls out of the house that day and made sure there was proof he was at that party he hired some one to do her in
Stacey; On Tuesday before mothersday weekend Ed started on Stacey to give up the 3 little-ones, the divorce granted them to her on mothersday and him on fathersday. When he picked them up Friday afternoon at school he didn’t mention that he had an invatation to a party Saturday nite. When he was headed home (winchester nh)he called Stacey to have her contact her mother about taking them Sat. nite. Thats when Stacey’s intuition kicked in, It all was making sense now ? Stacey knew he was “up to something”. None of it made sense to her up till then, why did he want the girls ? that was rare. Why on Mothersday weekend ? It was against the decree. Why was he so adamit about it ? and to learn he just planned to give them up and to HER mother not his ? I’ll always remember Stacey looking at me and saying “he up to something” If I could go back to that moment things would be very different. It seems to me if Ed hired someone, his aliby wouldn’t have that 5 hr. hole in it. And to you mister Author “no”.
He took girls to hurt Stacy abusers are always looking for a way to hurt and control. And Jim as for Stacey thinking x was up to something she being as afraid of him as u have said she was would not have been alone that weekend the time i think was the week of court or day before not quitet sure of timeline not doubting u but just sayin im sure rhe could have found someone to stay with her dont u think