Welcome! I’m Duke Southard, an author, retired educator, and lecturer.

I have published seven novels, a commissioned history, and an anthology of
award-winning short stories and essays.

Please check out my blog where I write about true crime and a wide ranging variety of literary and everyday subjects.

My Programs

My programs are offered free of charge to any schools, public libraries, and educational/community groups.

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Grab a free copy of my book, The Week from Heaven and Hell

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View a list of my published books, including Tainted Justice.

Recent Posts

Andy Greeley Radio Interview

I needed to tell everyone how enjoyable my one hour interview in KVOI AM 1030 was. Mr. Greeley is a charming, intellectual, and thoughtful person and it was my pleasure to share the hour on his radio show. The entire interview (for those interested) can be heard on...

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Murder conviction rates (cont.)

Here is a brief follow-up on the last post concerning murder conviction rates. Did you know that Japan exceeds 99% in its successful murder convictions for case brought to trial? The reason given for this is low prosecutorial budgets. There is not enough funding for...

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Conviction Rates vs. Number of Convictions

Here is a statement I have in my research notes. It comes from Discussion Paper 611, Harvard Law School. It relates to prosecution of homicide cases but probably is applicable to any serious crime. It might even relate to prosecution of crimes in New Hampshire! "Any...

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My Writing Process

This is a new category for posting on my blog. I am hoping others of my writer friends will join in this discussion. It could be mutually beneficial for all! I'm starting it off with some ideas that work for me and would love to hear from others with ideas that work...

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Taken to task!

Yesterday, the post was about the truth. In the time I've worked on the Stacey Burns book, I have interviewed or spoken with many, many people. Their stories conflicted with each other on numerous occasions and those conflicts are mentioned in the narrative. How could...

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Truth versus hard facts

A number of posts on this blog about the Stacey Burns murder have addressed the issue of the truth. What exactly is it? Are there degrees of the truth? Is there really only one truth? Can perception affect the truth? Recently, I remembered a quotation which I will...

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Imminent Arrest- a report

So far, four people have commented on my post about the statement made by police that "an arrest is imminent" in the Stacey Burns murder case. It is too small a sampling to draw a conclusion but judging from those who have responded thus far, it would seem that people...

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Andrew Greeley’s Radio Show

On July 5, 2014, I will be Andrew Greeley's guest on his program "On The Bookshelf" on KVOI-AM (1030 on the dial) from 5-6 p.m. If you are in the Tucson vicinity and have the time, why not tune in? We will be discussing all of my books and works in progress. If you...

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An Arrest Is Imminent?

This issue has been addressed here before but there is no harm in raising it once again. Beginning several days after the murder of Stacey Burns in May of 2009, there were periodic rumors of an "imminent" arrest. The most common dictionary definition of the word...

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Agent for Justice-LIVE

In the couple of days, the second edition of Agent for Justice will go live as an e-book on Amazon. Some of my readers have asked me why a "second edition?" The answer is quite simple. The first edition, a hard cover version, is out of print. The only copies of it...

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Apologies for Progress Report

I just discovered that several words were left out in my post about the progress in the Stacey Burns case. My sincere apologies for missing that in my edit! The corrections have been made. Here is a very interesting tidbit of information. That particular post has...

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2000 Book Challenge

Now that all three of my books are available in paperback and e-book formats, I'm hoping to reach that Wheatmark Publishers ' goal of 2000 books sold! All are available through www.amazon.com and www.wheatmark.com.            ...

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