Welcome! I’m Duke Southard, an author, retired educator, and lecturer.

I have published seven novels, a commissioned history, and an anthology of
award-winning short stories and essays.

Please check out my blog where I write about true crime and a wide ranging variety of literary and everyday subjects.

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My programs are offered free of charge to any schools, public libraries, and educational/community groups.

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Grab a free copy of my book, The Week from Heaven and Hell

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View a list of my published books, including Tainted Justice.

Recent Posts

Do You Believe?

There are some very interesting comments in this thread on my last post. One about karma especially made me think about whether the police ever considering consulting with a psychic in the Stacey Burns murder case. Because I have a friend who has contacts in that...

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On Turning 75!

Here's a thought from a person who just celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday. As of yesterday, I'm playing in the fourth quarter of the century. As a good friend gently reminded me on Tuesday, "you are three quarters of a century old, man!" With the comma in a...

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Musing on a killer . . .

For over four years, I've tried to put together a narrative that would make sense of a senseless act.  No matter what I am doing, the murder of Stacey Burns is never far from the surface of my mind. My thoughts on this heinous crime range from a valley of despair in...

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A Great Review!

Here's a snippet from a review written by Reviewer Bonnie Papenfuss of the Green Valley News. "The story-telling talent of this local author is augmented by his attention to detail and use of mesmerizing dialog to reveal subtle plot elements and expose the depth of...

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The “First Forty Eight”

Out of the mouths of fictional characters often come significant truths. Here's one from Michael Connelly's wonderfully engaging Detective Harry Bosch in The Brass Verdict. He is speaking about the first forty eight hours after a homicide. "The first forty eight. The...

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Three Months Short of Six Years

Three months from today, we will observe the sixth anniversary of the murder of Stacey Burns. Here are just a few random meanderings as that incredibly sad occasion approaches . . . I wonder why Mr. Burns isn't more in the forefront of demanding an arrest? Sure, she...

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Live Free or Die Lives!

As of today, Live Free or Die, the new Parker Havenot novel, is available on Amazon and other outlets. This book includes two chapters from Cracks in the Wall, the third novel featuring the popular detective, Parker Havenot.  Watch for future events featuring this...

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2015-Solve Stacey’s Murder!

First, to my loyal readers, I offer my humble apologies for not keeping up with this blog about the murder of Stacey Burns in recent weeks. Most of my efforts have been directed toward getting my third novel, Live Free or Die, through the publishing process. I'm happy...

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Live Free or Die- Closer!

The author's copies of Live Free or Die are scheduled to arrive today. Stay tuned for the official announcement of when the book will be available to the general public. You won't want to miss this second novel in the Detective Parker Havenot series! Plus, two preview...

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Murder Specifics

I'd like to speak again with the anonymous caller from Wolfeboro who offered very specific information about the murder of Stacey Burns. This person stated that he had spoken with detectives investigating the murder three months before he called me. I don't mind the...

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Proofs Approved!

At about one this afternoon, the mailman picked up my final approval sheet for the  proofs of Live Free or Die! My fifth book will soon be in production. Watch for an exact date and for a gala book launch when it becomes officially available. Also, don't forget, the...

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