Welcome! I’m Duke Southard, an author, retired educator, and lecturer.

I have published seven novels, a commissioned history, and an anthology of
award-winning short stories and essays.

Please check out my blog where I write about true crime and a wide ranging variety of literary and everyday subjects.

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Recent Posts

A Protest?

With one hundred and five days left to the eighth anniversary of the murder of Stacey Burns, a correspondent suggests that an organized protest on Mother's Day, 2017  (May 14, 2017) in Concord might be an effective way to move this case along. I tend to agree.  Might...

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The Countdown

It was unfair to begin the countdown to the eighth anniversary of Stacey Burns' murder on a Friday before a long weekend. So, we can be certain that tomorrow, the investigation will resume in earnest. Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 17, will be Day 112 before that dreaded...

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Countdown to Arrest

Here is a new citizen's movement! Will you be a participant? Stacey Burns was cruelly and unmercifully removed from this world on May 10, 2009.  I propose a countdown. What if anyone, and I mean ANYONE, connected with Stacey in any way, began to do everything in his...

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Stop Throwing Stones

In fourth or fifth grade, I'm not sure which, I encountered a rock fight in a vacant lot as I walked from school to my part time job as a clean-up boy at the local movie theater. I knew several participants on either side and I remember thinking how stupid it was for...

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Tyranny and Conscience

Thomas Jefferson is credited with the following quote even though it is probably not his. "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." I am hoping, somewhat desperately, that this new year will see people of good conscience...

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Small Town Murder; Big City Crime?

A correspondent suggests in a post response (see "A Startling Statement" at www.dukesouthard.com) that I should perhaps change the title of my book on the Stacey Burns murder to Small Town Murder; Big City Crime. The reason for the suggestion is based on the possible...

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A Startling Statement

About 85 per cent of the posts on this blog have dealt with the Stacey Burns murder. My latest post about "muddying the waters" received a response from a frequent contributor suggesting that this blog could serve as a memorial to Stacey. While a valid idea, I believe...

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About “Muddying the waters”

A correspondent posted a response to my last entry. It can be seen on my website under "A Plethora of Suspects" and I wrote this response which I'd like to receive wider distribution. So, here is my response. First of all, anyone who knows me knows that selling books...

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A Plethora of Suspects?

"During interviews conducted for this book (Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns) friends of Stacey Burns identified three women and one additional man besides Jim Vittum and Ed Burns who, they believe, could have killed Stacey Burns." This...

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Children Yet Unborn

"They were supposed to be stewards of the earth!" shouts a member of the Divine Council, railing against the damage the human race has done to the planet and the other creatures that inhabit it. This, of course, is fiction, taken from my fable (or allegory) called...

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Congrats to Dean Rondeau

This post is a simple congratulatory note to Captain Dean Rondeau of the Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Police Department. Captain Rondeau will take over as Chief of Police in January from outgoing chief Stuart Chase. Although I've only had a few conversations with him, the...

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On writing, and Christmas

It's been over two weeks since I last posted on this blog and this is just a "catch up" post. I hope all followers had a happy Thanksgiving. We had an enjoyable trip to the East Coast, visiting with family and friends along the way.  It is hard to keep up with writing...

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