Live Free or Die Bonus

When Live Free or Die is released, possibly as soon as February, there is a bonus attached. The first two chapters of my next Parker Havenot novel are included as a preview. The title, tentative for now but probably final, is Cracks In The Wall. Watch for the exact...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I want to wish all my followers a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Healthy New Year! My blog posts will resume after Christmas with updates on my letter writing about the Stacey Burns case, information on my upcoming new release of Live Free or Die and  reports...

Live Free or Die

The second Parker Havenot novel is coming fast. A mentor of mine when I first entered my second career of writing (Robert Newton Peck) told me that if I wrote a book, it had better be a book I was proud to have my name displayed on the cover. I said this about the...

A Holiday Resolution

All of my recent writing has focused on getting Live Free or Die, my new Parker Havenot novel, ready for publication. It appears on track for a spring publication date so watch for further information coming up.   and have made a personal holiday resolution to write...

Sorry Is Not Enough

When is sorry enough? It is when an tragic event happens and that event was beyond human control. There are untold examples of this. One can’t control the forces of nature. A person struck by lightning, a family killed in a devastating tornado, a sudden storm on...

Many levels of fear in Stacey Burns case

Yesterday, as part of a panel on writing an effective memoir, I used a brief example from my experience with writing the story of the Stacey Burns murder. It had to do with reluctant interviewees and why people are sometimes hesitant to share pertinent information....