Imminent Arrest- a report

So far, four people have commented on my post about the statement made by police that “an arrest is imminent” in the Stacey Burns murder case. It is too small a sampling to draw a conclusion but judging from those who have responded thus far, it would seem...

An Arrest Is Imminent?

This issue has been addressed here before but there is no harm in raising it once again. Beginning several days after the murder of Stacey Burns in May of 2009, there were periodic rumors of an “imminent” arrest. The most common dictionary definition of...

Apologies for Progress Report

I just discovered that several words were left out in my post about the progress in the Stacey Burns case. My sincere apologies for missing that in my edit! The corrections have been made. Here is a very interesting tidbit of information. That particular post has...

Stacey Burns Murder Case-Progress Report

As far as I can determine, there is no progress in the case of the Stacey Burns murder.  I would love to have someone in authority say publicly that this is not true. I would feel so much better as would many, many others if someone who has official information would...

Eight questions!

The last post on this blog included eight questions for Mr. Ed Burns. I know it has only been just over a day since it was posted so I’ll assume that he and his lawyer have not had time to construct a response. I can guess that the response will be quite simple....

Amazing Silence

Well, my last post certainly created much silence out there. Can anyone deny that those who are alive five years after a close friend or family member has died (in Stacey’s case, been murdered) continue to grapple with their search for the truth? Come on, Mr. Ed...