Guilt or truth?

A previous post (Stacey Needs Advocates) mentions a portion of Murder in a Small Town: the Tragic Death of Stacey Burns which I sent to the homicide prosecutor at the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office.  Here is a short section of that chapter on the alibis...

Stacey Burns Conspiracies

Was Stacey Burns involved in some nefarious network of police corruption or “key club” or drug culture in the small town of Wolfeboro? I don’t believe it but many others who obviously know more than I do believe it. Was her connection to Police...

Life goes on?

For my own sanity, I have to keep telling myself that the reason I am not hearing anything about the progress on the murder of Stacey Burns is because I am out here in Arizona. What other reason could there be for not hearing anything? It can’t possibly be that...

Committing an injustice

“A policeman seldom finds what he’s already convinced can’t be found.” As has happened a few times recently, my reading inspires a blog post. The above thought comes out of the head of Inspector Ian Rutledge in Charles Todd’s Search the...

#400-Why did Stacey have to die?

This is the 400th post on this blog since I began it a couple of years ago. A rough estimate would place more than 80% of my posts as dealing with the murder of Stacey Burns. One can’t help but wonder if I’m doing any good with these regular observations....

Two sad anniversaries

Well, May 10 has come and gone, signifying seven years of waiting for some degree of justice to be served in the murder of Stacey Burns. What are the odds that nothing is ever going to happen to her killer? If I were a betting person, I would, with a great deal of...