The answer, in my opinion, is a definitive yes! In May, 2000, the hard cover version of A Favor Returned was “launched” but in a way that was typical for the time when the launcher was an unknown writer with an unknown reputation. The launch was like the rocket on the Fourth of July that burns hot at the start then flames out and falls with a disappointing showing in the long run.
On July 14, 2013, A Favor Returned will be launched once again, this time in a new and completely revised paperback and e-book edition. Why a new launch? That answer is simple. The book is different, the design is different, the writing is tighter and better, and the story that entranced people back in 2000 remains intact. The book deserves a new launch without the inexplicable typos that appeared in the original, especially in the second half. In short, it deserves a new start and that is why there will be a new launch at Desert Hill Luther Church Library on July 14, 2013 from 2-4 p.m. All formats of the new edition are now available at Amazon and other major outlets. (Check out the review it received on Barnes and Noble’s Nook page!)
If you are in the neighborhood on July 14th, please stop in for some punch and cookies and just to say hello!
Heck yeah, Duke! Launch away! Planning on coming to “toast” you with punch.
Wish I could be there in person but looking forward to rereading this wonderful story!
I don’t see why not its been don’t many times.