What exactly would you have me do?

Interesting responses to my post re: 3/31/19 as being the end of this blog as far as post for the Stacey Burns murder case is concerned. I’ve approved all of them so you can read them should you be interested at www.dukesouthard.com. Here is my dilemma: what...

March 31-End of SB Blog?

On Sunday, March 31, 2019, I will present my program called “The Adventures of a True Crime Neophyte” to a community group in Tucson. I’ve given this program or a slightly revised one to writers’ groups and other local groups in Arizona and New...

Mind Changers or Game Changers- A Reprise

PLEASE NOTE: This is a repeat of a post from March of 2014. I thought it bears repeating since my recent post on “Eleven Suspects” was looked on with disdain from one particular respondent. The numbers mentioned in this older post have increased in every...


Okay, is anyone out there happy with the fact that Stacey Burns was stabbed to death in the quaint little New England town of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire in May of 2009–TEN YEARS AGO? Next question- is anyone out there happy with the fact that the killer remains at...

New Blog Site

On March 18, a new blog site for writers and readers will debut at www.ProWritersWriting.com. It will feature six regular indie writers as contributors and numerous other writers on an occasional basis. My regular posts will be on Tuesdays beginning on March 19th. I...

The Parker Havenot Series

As a change of pace, this post will not deal with the still unsolved murder of Stacey Burns. (Eighty two days to the tenth anniversary of that barbaric crime-are we any closer to an arrest? By the way, is anyone planning on making the tenth anniversary special by...

Does Anyone Care?

Okay, I’m taking a huge risk here, but I have to ask these questions and then I’ll answer them personally if you will bear with me. Is there a time limit when human beings finally say enough is enough? When does one finally say, “it is time to move...

Eleven Suspects

Some of this you’ve heard before but it may bear repeating. While going through my notes taken from interviews, comments to this blog, phone calls and emails, I found the names of eleven possible suspects in the murder of Stacey Burns. Several of them I have...

May 11, 2019

Putting on my novelist hat, I’ll ask a “what if” question, the kind of question that keeps a story rolling. What if, on Saturday, May 11, 2019, one day after Stacey Burns will have been dead for ten years, a venue was available for all law...