Dec 22, 2016 | Murder In a Small Town
About 85 per cent of the posts on this blog have dealt with the Stacey Burns murder. My latest post about “muddying the waters” received a response from a frequent contributor suggesting that this blog could serve as a memorial to Stacey. While a valid...
Dec 17, 2016 | Murder In a Small Town
A correspondent posted a response to my last entry. It can be seen on my website under “A Plethora of Suspects” and I wrote this response which I’d like to receive wider distribution. So, here is my response. First of all, anyone who knows me knows...
Dec 15, 2016 | Murder In a Small Town
“During interviews conducted for this book (Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns) friends of Stacey Burns identified three women and one additional man besides Jim Vittum and Ed Burns who, they believe, could have killed Stacey Burns.”...
Dec 12, 2016 | Uncategorized
“They were supposed to be stewards of the earth!” shouts a member of the Divine Council, railing against the damage the human race has done to the planet and the other creatures that inhabit it. This, of course, is fiction, taken from my fable (or...
Dec 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
This post is a simple congratulatory note to Captain Dean Rondeau of the Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Police Department. Captain Rondeau will take over as Chief of Police in January from outgoing chief Stuart Chase. Although I’ve only had a few conversations with...
Dec 5, 2016 | Murder In a Small Town|The Writing Process|Works in Progress
It’s been over two weeks since I last posted on this blog and this is just a “catch up” post. I hope all followers had a happy Thanksgiving. We had an enjoyable trip to the East Coast, visiting with family and friends along the way. It is hard to...
Nov 17, 2016 | Murder In a Small Town
Most conspiracy theories are disproved by one thing-facts. Think of any conspiracy, whether it be national or international, such as a presidential assassination, a “rigged” election,or a Benghazi cover-up, or a local story, like two murders occurring over...
Nov 11, 2016 | Murder In a Small Town
This will be a very brief post. Well over seven years ago, Stacey Burns was stabbed to death in her own bedroom in New Hampshire. Just over six years ago, Bobbie Miller was murdered in her own home in New Hampshire. Isn’t it a fair question for family, friends,...
Nov 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
I’m feeling very sorry for our children and grandchildren right now. No matter who wins this election, I see no way that this country can overcome the amount of hatred, division, and bigotry that has been generated during this campaign. If Trump wins, people say...
Nov 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
Motive, means, and opportunity- the mantra recited by any homicide investigator as he begins to sort out the suspects in a crime. We all know the detectives in the Stacey Burns murder case have this all figured out as they continue the intense investigation into this...