Feb 23, 2018 | Murder In a Small Town
This post will be brief and to the point. “I’m sending you this information because you are the only one that seemingly gives a damn anymore.” This is a quote from an email I received from a regular correspondent (not always public) regarding the Stacey...
Feb 14, 2018 | Murder In a Small Town
“Degrees of Truth” is a small part of one chapter of Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns. After much deliberation, the essay “Degrees of Truth” has been removed from the Fallacy of Closure anthology, a book to be published...
Feb 12, 2018 | The Writing Process|Works in Progress
I’m excited! This anthology of award winning short stories, personal essays, and memoir is now in the publishing pipeline. More information will be forthcoming as publication date gets closer so please be watching for it. You will be treated to a wide variety...
Feb 8, 2018 | Murder In a Small Town
Please don’t take this title as disrespectful to the memory of a very special person. In fact, it is just the opposite. We, her advocates, her friends, her family, her community, cannot allow her to become “old news.” Any number of my posts over the...
Feb 7, 2018 | Murder In a Small Town
I received the following comment on my blog “Another Year” and it really made me think about what I’ve been writing in this blog over the years. Read on then I’ll explain. “I am sorry you have not had many responses to your two questions...
Feb 4, 2018 | The Writing Process|Works in Progress
As of last Wednesday, the Duke Southard literary plan for 2018 changed yet again. A collection of thirteen short pieces, a combination of [personal essays, memoirs, and short stories, has been submitted to the publisher to begin the editing process. This likely will...
Jan 30, 2018 | Murder In a Small Town
Sometimes I wish I were in a crowded auditorium giving a talk about the Stacey Burns case. I have done it before but never to a large group. After informing this crowd about what I know, I would ask two simple questions and here they are:. We are approaching yet...
Jan 24, 2018 | The Writing Process|Works in Progress
We (Barbara and I) have decided on a new literary plan for this year. After meeting with my publisher today, we’ve decided to release two relatively short anthologies, one fiction nd the other personal essay/memoir before the new novel. These anthologies will...
Jan 19, 2018 | Murder In a Small Town
Here are a couple of short segments from Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns, a book residing in limbo until something else happens. Remember, these segments were written very early on in my work on the book. (between six and seven years ago!)...
Jan 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
Sixty four years since my last horseback ride, I finally climbed back on last Saturday. Here, from my short personal essay, “The Dude Ranch” are a few snippets of my experience as a thirteen year old spending three days at a dude ranch in northern New...