A Different Idea

A number of correspondents to this blog have suggested that I publish what I have of Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns with obviously no conclusions. Also suggested is the idea that I compile all blog posts on the subject and add them as a sort...

A mystery

To my followers on this blog: For some reason, it appears that all my posts under the category of Murder in a Small Town have disappeared from my Facebook author page. This is a test to see if that is true. If this is where you follow this blog, you might have missed...

Harry Hole-Agent for Justice?

The killer of Stacey Burns always is lurking just beneath the surface of my mind. Almost every book I read has something that makes me think of that case and the person who took Stacey’s life. Jo Nesbo has created a superb character in his Inspector Harry Hole...

If Only!

Stacey Burn’s voice as a victim and solving the issue of guns and mass murders: these two items were mentioned in my last post. If only there were simple answers to both but apparently some clarification of that post is needed so here it is. First, we’ll...

Blaming The Victim-Stacey and Charleston

Here is a great line from John Sanford’s novel, Broken Prey. ” Dead people don’t have any political clout,” says Lucas Davenport. I thought about Stacey Burns when I first read that line and thought about it again when I heard Charles...