Off to the Publisher

Late Saturday afternoon, Cracks in the Wall, my new novel, went to the publisher to begin the editing process. Depending on how much editing is required (I’m hoping not much!) it could be out sometime in June. It is another in the Parker Havenot series, with the...

People, Packrats, and Politicians

Packrats are a problem in our area in Arizona. For years, we’ve been battling them but yesterday, as we caught one in one of those horrible sticky traps, I revisited some thoughts I had back in New Hampshire when we thought an onslaught of tunneling chipmunks...

Tucson Festival of Books

My fiction entry,  Cracks in the Wall, was a finalist in the Tucson Ffestival of Books Literary Awards-2016. That designationresulted in an invitation for me to participate in the Masters Writers Workshop, a two day, intensive seminar writing immediately following the...

Murder or Kill?

Is there a difference between murdering and killing? Biblical scholars say there is quite a difference. Does the “Thou shalt not  _____” commandment say murder or kill? Most scholars will say that murder is the best translation because it refers to what...

The Commendation

This is a new kind of post for me. I have included a PDF file of my entry in the Society of Southwestern Authors personal essay contest. This short entry received a commendation. I welcome your comments. If this is seems like a good idea, I will periodically include...