The Fallacy of Closure

With the SEVENTH!  anniversary of Stacey Burns’ death just weeks away, I thought I’d share a part of a piece I’m revising for entry into a Writer’s Digest Literary contest. The essay deals with our own personal tragedy but I believe some human...

Jacket-Cracks in the Wall

Date of publication is yet to be determined but here is the likely front jacket of my new book. I am hoping for a good editing report so the road to publication will be smooth. Duke

Not your business!

Almost seven years ago, Stacey Burns was murdered in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Some of my respondents to this blog have indicated that they were told, upon inquiry, that this case was none of their business. When she was slaughtered on Mothers’ Day, 2009, Stacey...

Desperate Circumstances?

Did a set of desperate circumstances kill Stacey Burns? Desperate situations often create the environment for desperate actions. When a character in my new book makes the statement that desperate times call for desperate measures, his comrade’s response brings...

What Wall?

Some have asked about the title of my new book. What does “Cracks in the Wall” mean? In Live Free or Die, Josie says, “Sometimes we can still see over or through the cracks in the wall we’ve built to shield us from the past.” Have any of...