Encouragement? or more frustration?

Here is a portion of the email I received and mentioned in the last post. I’ll leave it to readers to decide whether it means something may happen in the Stacey Burns murder case.  (I thought New Hampshire had a “Cold Case Unit” in place, even after...

Reason to be encouraged?

Based on information in emails I’ve received over the last week, the murder of Stacey Burns is receiving considerable attention at high levels of law enforcement and government due to the diligence of an individual who has sent numerous communications regarding...

14 Days plus contact info

Two reminders: First, I’ve been asked why some comments on this blog are not published. It is not what you may think. (censorship) Most likely, if your comment is not published, it is because I was unable to contact you through the e-mail associated with your...

Nearing the end . . .

Okay, folks! After many years, untold hours of interviews, hundreds of pages of notes, trips to NH, substantial expenses, and now facing the apparent fact that the killer of Stacey Burns is never going to be judged on this planet, I’ve decided to rearrange...

School Nurse Day

Ironically, three weeks from today is designated as School Nurse Day. One week later will be the eighth anniversary of Stacey Burns’ last day on the planet. Here are portions of another email I received in response to my “Admissable/Inadmissable”...