The Stacey Burns Murder Case-post 1 of a series

This is the first official post on this blog with the newly revised and updated website. Check out for literally hundreds of posts and comments about the Stacey Burns murder, now coming up on fourteen years ago. (May 9/10, 2009)Some would rather I...

A Return of my Blog

As of today, my newly revised website is up and running. To recognize this fact, I am announcing a return to adding posts to the over six hundred already available. My first official post will appear tomorrow- the title?What Ever Happened To The Stacey Burns Murder...

Tainted Justice Progress Report

My newest book, Tainted Justice, released in late October, has been receiving good reports. I’d like to remind everyone how important Amazon ratings and reviews are for authors. Even a simple star rating helps a book garner attention in those nebulous Amazon...

4970 Sunsets Stacey Missed

A previous post in late October mentioned the sad fact that Stacey Burns had then missed 4922 sunsets since her brutal murder in May of 2009. Tonight, when the sun goes down over the beautiful snow-covered town of Wolfeboro, Stacey will miss her 4970th sunset. Will...