A Revised Literary Plan-2018

As of last Wednesday, the Duke Southard literary plan for 2018 changed yet again. A collection of thirteen short pieces, a combination of [personal essays, memoirs, and short stories, has been submitted to the publisher to begin the editing process. This likely will...

Another Year!

Sometimes I wish I were in a crowded auditorium giving a talk about the Stacey Burns case. I have done it before but never to a large group. After informing this crowd about what I know, I would ask two simple questions and here they are:. We are approaching yet...

A New Literary Plan

We (Barbara and I) have decided on a new literary plan for this year. After meeting with my publisher today, we’ve decided to release two relatively short anthologies, one fiction nd the other personal essay/memoir before the new novel. These anthologies will...

From “Murder in a Small Town . . .”

Here are a couple of short segments from Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns, a book residing in limbo until something else happens. Remember, these segments were written very early on in my work on the book. (between six and seven years ago!)...

On horseback- then and now . . .

Sixty four years since my last horseback ride, I finally climbed back on last Saturday. Here, from my short personal essay, “The Dude Ranch” are a few snippets of my experience as a thirteen year old spending three days at a dude ranch in northern New...