Out with the old!

Well, I’ve finally taken the advice of family, friends, acquaintances, and even a few strangers on the street! This is gone! This it the replacement. Now, if, in a Green Valley moment, I forget to put my feet down, I won’t fall over. It’s a 2005 PT...

The Dream

The upcoming anthology, The Fallacy of Closure,  includes a personal essay titled The Dream. It contains a number of anecdotes about our days as the owners of Beaver Hollow Campground in Ossipee, New Hampshire. This sign, with our mascot, “Eager Beaver,”...

Repost of Strong Comment, etc.

In yesterday’s post, portions, for whatever reason, were left out. This is a repeat of that paragraph with the missing words. Today, I share a portion of a comment to a post from a week ago. It just gives us an important fact to remember in the killing of Stacey...

A Strong Statement plus Update

Today, I share a portion of a comment to a post from a week ago. It just gives us an important fact to remember in the killing of Stacey Burns. I thought it bears emphasizing. “What people fail to realize is that we are not looking for a killer; we are looking...

Apologies, Moving On and Giving a D___!

Today I offer apologies to any who may have taken my last post as a message that people have stopped caring about Stacey Burns and her murder case. I know, and have been reminded of such, that many, many people in Stacey’s circle of family and friends care...