On track . . .

My fourth novel in the Detective Parker Havenot is on track for publication in mid-October, 2018. Watch for further details!

“Afraid of her…”

 “I honestly think she may be afraid of (the suspect) . . .” It’s been over a year since I sent the NH State Police my newest “hot tip” (at that time) about the Stacey Burns murder case.  Today, I checked with the source of that tip to...

On Writing -Sorry, Mr. King

All right, I admit to stealing Stephen King’s title from his outstanding book for writers. This will be brief. I’ll also admit to being “old school” when it comes to writing. We subscribe to two newspapers on Sunday. Curious, after just...

After the Tournaments

I  truly appreciate the thoughtfulness and effort and heartfelt emotion that goes into all the events commemorating the anniversary of a brutal, heinous crime, the murder of Stacey Burns. So now, it is three days after the ninth anniversary. My only question? How much...