It is truly wonderful to see the remembrances on the Stacey Burns memorial website!
In my book about our son’s death at age 29, there are sections about “sorrys” and how reassuring and uplifting they are to those who are devastated by the event.
Here is the question which I have raised in previous blog posts: Is it enough to be sorry?
We had no control over seeking justice for our son’s death. It was in God’s hands. There is no one to blame. There is no one to have the courage to step up and say that “I caused this death” other than God himself.
Stacey Burns is now in her grave for over five years. In her case, there is someone to blame beside God. There is a human being, walking among you, who killed her in the most brutal way possible.
“Sorrys” are not enough in my humble opinion. Imagine this: if you were Stacey and could speak with your sister/brother/mom/daughters/son or your friends/colleagues/acquaintances, what might you say.
Having learned much about the person who was Stacey Burns in my research, I’m guessing that “sorry” would not be enough.
She could very well be disappointed in you. If you knew her as I never had a chance to know her, I believe you might have to agree.
Again, in my humble opinion .. .
Sorry is not enough. It’s easy to say sorry, but to amend the lack of results, action needs to be taken. This is certainly far more important and tragic than a sorry for a missed date, or losing something that belongs to someone. Like you son’s this is a lost life.
I am in awe of your fortitude in leaning on the conscious of the public to pursue this. Many people with grief as a part of their family loss move inward and retreat from this issue. You are a person of great courage and integrity.
I agree with Ethel Lee Miller. Duke : you have suffered the loss of your wonderful son. I don’t know if I could recover from such devastating loss. No parent should ever have to bury their child. The book you wrote about the loss of your bright, young son was riveting.
The sudden horrific death of Stacey Burns brought complete devastation to her family. How is it that this wonderful, loving mother of five suffered a horrific death in her own bed while asleep, her body left for her children to find? Why is everyone including the investigating authorities so complacent? Why is it that you are the lone voice calling out for justice for Stacey? Is sorry enough? NO.
It is incomprehensible to me that this well-loved wonderful mother,friend,sister,daughter was brutally murdered. I am dumbfounded with the air of complacency, furious with the authorities who have no interest in arresting her killer. Do I really have to ask this question: if this was your daughter would you be so complacent?