It is always for someone to toss a dose of reality into a discussion. My last two posts on this blog have talked about how interesting it would be if a huge march of all of Stacey Burns (and Bobbie Miller’s as well) family, friends, acquaintances, etc. converged on the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office in Concord and demanded a report on the progress of the two investigations. a person who has worked tirelessly on getting and keeping the Burns murder case alive sent a email with an explanation why a march of this type will never take place.

Here is the reality brilliantly pointed in the email. (paraphrased)

It would take a village to pull this off. This village would need organization, sincere interest, trust, leadership, spokesperson(s), information, willingness, compassion, a high percentage of support. etc.

The reality is sobering but most likely these criteria could not be met at the present time. I love my correspondent’s alternative- a Wolfeboro Town Hall type of gathering with invitations to all key players at the top levels of the N.H. government and law enforcement to be present.

Wouldn’t that be fun and an effective method of getting information.

Maybe in May around the tenth anniversary??
