After two weeks of wonderful company of friends and family and one week of being under the weather (not like NH weather today!(-:) I’ll be back to regular posting.

Two things for this post: First, I’m looking forward to a presentation to a joint session of several book clubs in Green Valley which have read Cracks in the Wall. I’ll be talking about turning true crime into fiction as well as the publishing world for the average writer in the “Age of Amazon.” The event is this Thursday afternoon. Over sixty people are expected to attend.

Second, I have not lost sight of the countdown I initiated in January in the hope of provident an incentive for police to find the killer of Stacey Burns. As of today, we are fifty-six days from the eighth anniversary of her murder. I know there is at least one memorial event coming up in the spring. May we hope that the approach of this dreadful anniversary and the inevitable memories revisited will bring about a conclusion? I was sure that the election of a new governor in New Hampshire would lead to some sort of shake-up in the law enforcement structure. By the way, no one ever answered my question about Jeff Strelzin. Is he still the lead prosecutor in this case?

Anyway, watch for more regular posts from now on.

Stay warm, New England! Going to be 90 degrees here today!
