A correspondent suggests in a post response (see “A Startling Statement” at www.dukesouthard.com) that I should perhaps change the title of my book on the Stacey Burns murder to Small Town Murder; Big City Crime.

The reason for the suggestion is based on the possible connection of Stacey’s murder  to a far reaching conspiracy involving influential people at many different levels of the community and the state of New Hampshire. This idea is not new. Early in my research for the book, a reliable source informed me that this case will never be solved because it “involves higher-ups” who would be linked to Stacey’s murder.

A lengthy interview in August convinced me that the police should at least explore some aspects of this theory. A New Hampshire State Police detective subsequently informed another source that they were indeed aware of this theory and had explored it. This same source was told that it would be wise to “avoid Duke’s blog” because some of the people contributing to it were not who they said they were. (whatever that might mean?)

So, we look to a new year. Will it be filled with the same frustrations for those who want this murder case closed? I for one certainly don’t want the frustrations to continue. Will the new governor be the catalyst for bringing the necessary pressure to bear on those responsible for closing this case?

As they say, time will tell. In the meantime, we can hope for the police to publicly put some of the rumors to rest, but based on past history, I doubt that will happen.

Happy New Year!
