I just discovered that several words were left out in my post about the progress in the Stacey Burns case. My sincere apologies for missing that in my edit! The corrections have been made.
Here is a very interesting tidbit of information. That particular post has reached over 1600 people so far, the most of any of my two hundred plus posts on this subject. (except those few which I chose to expand by paying to boost them)
What does this mean? Does it indicate an upswing in interest in this case? Did the title mislead people into thinking they might be getting new information? (if so, another apology is in order-never my intent to mislead anyone)
Does anyone out there have an idea as to why this particular post spurred that level of interest?
Just wondering . . .
By the way, another reminder to those who may be interested: I will be in New Hampshire in late July and I am willing to talk to anyone about my work on the book about Stacey’s murder, whether it be the local or state police, the NH Attorney General’s office, Ed Burns, Michael Brabant, news reporters, friends, family, citizens of the town, Stacey’s murderer, Jim Vittum, Jamie Vittum, etc.
Just let me hear from you!
Thanks for the ebook. Great time of the year to be in NH, sorry about the circumstances. I hope you can light a fire up there and get some answers. After reviewing the number of unsolved cases in NH, why is it I don’t have much faith in the system. Good digging in NH.