With apologies to those who might say this is repetitious but because the post on Monday was made during a time when I was told my site was being updated and nothing would post (which I promptly forgot), I feel a need to repost the general idea.
Since I began work on the Stacey Burns project, I have had four people (likely more) who said they wanted to provide information but then either told me I should not use what they said or they had second thoughts about speaking with me after the initial contact. This has happened fairly recently as well as over two years ago. These are the mind changers.
I sometimes wonder if these mind changers could have information which would be a game changer in the murder of Stacey Burns. Most of the general public believes there are only two “persons of interest” in this case. Some even believe there is only one. What if there are more? What if, on some lists, there are six? What if any one of these mind changers has information that would rule out one or more of these six? Clearly, the police have eliminated some of the six, maybe even five of the six.
New information could inspire new ideas or it could substantiate the old. However, if it is never mentioned, it will do neither, leaving the evasive truth to languish in limbo. So, mind changers, if you have something new, let’s hear it. Otherwise, we’ll never know if could be a game changer.
I am speculating here; When Thor told his sister in law that I didn’t confront him and Stacey on Friday night, panic replaced confidence. Those who had spread the false,damaging lies to not only everyone they talked to in town ,not only to Stacey’s mother,brother and sister but to the major crimes detectives, they retreated like cowards. I completely understand why at that time those people believed that lie, what I don’t understand is why at this time they won’t make it right. My only answer is “they don’t care”. It’s going to come out someday and when it does, well, like Steve Roland told me early on “no one is going to look good”.